Film review: Its a Free World... (2007)
With many people confined to their homes by the Coronavirus pandemic, what can we do? Watch a movie.
An unemployable young woman, Angie, decides to become a recruiter. She is building a community of migrants from eastern Europe to do work for her.
You don't have to look too closely to see the rhetoric of gangmasters shining through. There is an irony to it: somebody who can't hold down a job setting up a dodgy recruitment business, while people who don't code take over free software organizations.
Herding people around, playing fast-and-loose with the facts.
Missing money and a controversial romance are all reflections of problems that OSI and Debian have faced recently. Before watching the movie, take a small detour through this snippet of a talk from a recent community conference:
How many times a week do developers hear requests like that? Is it really fitting for the president of the OSI board to use a keynote speech at FrOSCon to encourage people to work, without pay, on her pet project?
Why doesn't she talk about crowdfunding or a grant application to pay a developer to test her idea? The assumption that developers have spare time to test ideas for people in positions of authority feels disappointing. The idea may well have merit and it would be sad to see it go nowhere while de Blanc waits for a volunteer.
Watch the movie for yourself. After all, It's a Free World...
For the trailer: